Rates are set by fiscal year, effective October 1 each year. Find current rates in the continental United States ("CONUS Rates").
A SEP plan is an employer-established plan.
Employees can neither set up a SEP nor make their own contributions to it. Only you, as the business owner/employer, may set up a SEP Plan and make plan contributions.
If you have no employees, you can set up a SEP for yourself.
STEP 1: Formal Written Agreement
Under a SEP, you, as the employer must:
How to satisfy the written agreement requirement:
You can satisfy the written agreement requirement and establish a SEP plan by using IRS approved Form 5305-SEP, Simplified Employee Pension -Individual Retirement Accounts Contribution Agreement.
Keep Form 5305-SEP with your records; do no file it with the IRS.
Advantage of using Form 5305-SEP:
Do not use Form 5305-SEP if any of the following are true:
Employees Eligible to Participate in a SEP:
An eligible employee must meet three requirements:
Tip: You can use less restrictive participation requirements than those listed, but not more restrictive ones.
Excludible Employees:
You can exclude the following employees from coverage under a SEP:
SEP: Step 2 - Provide Information to Eligible Employees
You must give each eligible employee the following information:
Caution! An IRS model SEP is not considered adopted until you give each employee this information.
STEP 3: Set Up Traditional SEP-IRA Accounts
Self-employed persons:
Once the SEP plan is established, set up a traditional SEP-IRA account for yourself at a qualified financial institution.
The financial institution will help you set up a SEP plan.
If you have employees, a SEP-IRA account must be set up by or for employees at a qualified financial institution to receive employer contributions.
Type of IRA:
A SEP-IRA must be set up as a traditional IRA; it cannot be set up as a Roth IRA.
Roth IRAs: Employer contributions to a SEP-IRA will not affect the amount an individual can contribute to his own Roth IRA.
Where to set up SEP-IRA accounts:
SEP-IRAs can be set up with banks, insurance companies, and other qualified financial institutions.
Contributions are sent to the financial institution where the SEP-IRA is maintained.
You can set up a SEP and make deductible contributions for a particular year as late as the due date of your return (including extensions) for that year.
For example, if you want to set up a SEP for calendar year 2012, you have until April 15, 2013 (including extensions) to establish the SEP and make deductible contributions.
A SEP plan is an employer-established plan. Employees are permitted to set up a SEP or make their own contributions to it.