Rates are set by fiscal year, effective October 1 each year. Find current rates in the continental United States ("CONUS Rates").
You (or you and and others in your transferor group) do not receive property from the corporation in addition to its stock and you (or you and others in your transferor group) control the corporation immediately after the exchange. Control is defined as owning at least 80% of all the stock immediately after the exchange. Section 368(c) defines control.
Under Section 351(b), if you own at least 80% of the stock immediately after the exchange and you receive boot in addition to stock, you must recognize gain (if any) up to amount of boot received.
Boot is money plus the fair market value of other property you receive in addition to the stock you receive in an exchange for your property.
No loss is recognized when you own more than 50% of the stock. If you provide services to the corporation, your stock basis is increased by the fair market value of the services rendered.